A CAEDM account provides many of the computing resources needed to complete classwork, research and employment in the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. If eligible for an account, a patron has access to the CAEDM labs, remote computing, webspace, filespace, and any of the other computing services provided by the college. A CAEDM username and password may also be used to access department resources specific to a major or a particular research group. Users must agree to the CAEDM policy before using any resources.
Creating a CAEDM Account
CAEDM Account Kiosk
Anyone eligible to use computing resources in the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology should be able to create a CAEDM account at an Account Kiosk. The Account Kiosk loads a web page that checks to make sure you are eligible for an account, and then creates the rights, filespaces, webspaces and other resources of your account. The Account Kiosk will also share the door code to the labs at the end of the account creation process. It will also remind the new user that it will take 15 minutes for the account creation process to complete.
- Dedicated Account Kiosk computers are located in the hall outside of CB 423 and one in CTB 450
- The Account Adder webpage is available online
CAEDM Policy
In order to use CAEDM resources, a user must agree to the CAEDM Policy. This is done the first time a user logs into any CAEDM Windows machine and clicks "I Agree" on the resulting agreement. Once a user has agreed to the policy on any Windows machine, all CAEDM resources will be available to that user. Violation of policy may result your account being disabled.
Eligibility for an Account
To use the CAEDM labs, you need a CAEDM account. To be eligible for an account, one or more of the following must apply:
- You are currently enrolled in engineering classes,
- You are a declared engineering major, AND a currently enrolled student
- You are employed by the college.
Eligibility for account creation and renewal is automated for students based on current class enrollment and declared major. This information is updated nightly. If a student is no longer enrolled in classes, they will be unable to create or renew their account. If account eligibility is based solely on employment in the college, a request for an account must come from a department CSR. Please contact the appropriate department CSR for assistance.
Users must also have an existing BYU NetID account from the Univeristy to create a CAEDM account.
Troubleshooting account creation
If you have tried to create a CAEDM account unsuccessfully, first ensure you meet the eligibility requirements.
Issues with eligibility based on enrollment or major
Eligibility databases based on enrollment and major are automatically updated once a day. If classes or majors are added, eligibility requirements may not be satisfied until the next day.
College and department employees cannot create an account
Eligibility based solely on employment, either full or part-time is added manually by CAEDM employees. If your employee number has not been manually added to our database, you will not be able to add an account. Please contact us. Please have your full name, employee ID number and BYU NetID ready.
BYU NetID Inconsistency
Part of CAEDM account creation requires authenticating to BYU to verify your identity and NetID username. BYU NetID passwords are actually stored on multiple servers, and sometimes they don't agree. If this happens you will be unable to create a CAEDM account. To fix this, log into myBYU and change your password. Even if it's the same password, this forces a sync of your password on all of the servers and CAEDM account creation should work.
If you still need help, please contact us for assistance.
CAEDM credentials
Your CAEDM username and password, or credentials, will work on all CAEDM Windows and Linux systems. It will work on ZConnect and all computers in the CAEDM labs. It may work in department labs in the college, if your department is using CAEDM Active Directory or LDAP for authentication. Your CAEDM credentials will not work in any labs outside of CAEDM, including the Open Access Labs.
CAEDM Username
By default, CAEDM usernames are identical to the university provided BYU NetID. Some exceptions may occur for accounts that have existed for many years.
CAEDM Password
A CAEDM password is unique to your CAEDM account. It is possible to choose a CAEDM password that is identical to your BYU NetID password, but we do not recommend that practice. For security reasons, it is recommended to choose a strong, separate password for your account.
You are required to change your CAEDM password once a year. An annual email notification will be sent with instructions for doing so. If you do not comply, your account will be disabled.
Changing a password
To change a password, use the change password webpage
Forgotten passwords
If you have forgotten your password, use the "Forgot Password" wizard on the CAEDM website.
To change your password, you must be currently eligible for an account.
If the instructions from the link above does not solve the problem, speak to an administrator to have the problem resolved.
Delay in service after password change
- The server may take up to 15 minutes to complete the change. During this time, you may not be able to log in to any of the computers. If you try to log in prematurely, you may experience problems with your J Drive, printing, Firefox, and other applications.
CAEDM website
Use the CAEDM website to:
- Change/Reset your password
- Release Group Print jobs
- Check your printing account balance
- Restore deleted files
- Setup a temporary FTP site
- Check Quota information
- Get the lab door code
- Setup CAEDM mailing lists
- Set Linux account options
- Manage CAEDM Groups
- All this plus learn more about using all.
Disabled Accounts
Failure to annually renew an account
The most common cause for a disabled account is that the account password needs to be changed. ALL users are required to change their password each year. A warning email is sent two weeks prior to disabling the account with renewal instructions.
To re-enable your account, change your password
If you have failed to re-enable your account and you can no longer login. Contact CAEDM and we can walk you through the steps of re-enabling your account
Violation of CAEDM Policy
Accounts may also be disabled for violating CAEDM policy. Any user whose account is disabled for policy violation must personally see an administrator to be reactivated. Duration of de-activations vary with the offense, but start from when the user first comes and talks with an administrator. If your account has been disabled for a breach in policy, please come see us if you have further questions or concerns.