Contact Us

Please let us know you need help!

General Account Problems

(801) 422-5960               M-F 12pm-5pm

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, in person contact has been restricted. If you have a problem with your account or with our services, please call us. If we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

For help outside of business hours, call and leave a message or email one of the full time staff.

CAEDM Support Centers

Clyde Building Room 423 (CB423)
Specializing in:


Engineering Building Room 220 (EB220)
Specializing in:


Crabtree Building Room 450 (CTB450)
Specializing in:

  • SSH, Linux RGS, Linux License Servers, All Linux Applications, RGS Linux, xRGS, CAEDM Website, Macintosh and Linux Print drivers.


Full-time Staff

Full-time CAEDM Administrator Directory