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Putty is a free SSH client commonly used from Microsoft Windows.

SSH (Secure SHell) is a command line application for connecting remotely to Linux machines in CAEDM. It offers a secure connection to a command prompt. All software available from a CAEDM Linux command prompt is available over SSH on-campus. Some limitations apply when accessing software from off-campus because of licensing restrictions.

Connecting and Logging In

Logging in with SSH is just like logging in to a workstation at CAEDM. All your files will be available as they are on the system, and you should be able to run any command line application available on the system. The SSH server is:

This server is accessible everywhere, but note that many public wifi networks block port 22 (the port used by SSH), and so will not connect.

Connecting to an SSH server is a different process for different platforms.

CAEDM Lab Machines

Putty is located in the start menu in "Programs", "Internet Programs"


You need to acquire the free application "putty" from their website. From there, create a new connection to the server indicated above, enter your CAEDM username and password, and you should be provided with a shell.

Macintosh and Linux

With both Macintosh and Linux, open a terminal. Connect with the 'ssh' command, used as follow:

It will prompt you to add the server as 'trusted'. Type 'yes' and hit enter. It should provide you with a shell.

Graphical Applications

SSH allows for running graphical applications over the secure connection. X over SSH works fine for low-end graphics such as a text editor or a webpage, but will be sub-par for CAD or video. For high-end graphics, use ZConnect. Here's how to do X over SSH:


Download Xming, an open source X server for windows, and install it. Before connecting to the server with PuTTy, make sure Xming is running. Then, in PuTTy connection settings, select the X forwarding checkbox to enable this functionality. Find it in Connection -> SSH -> X11 -> Enable X11. Now establish the connection and run graphical programs (gedit, firefox) from the command line. They should appear on your desktop.


Just add the -X option to your ssh command (make sure the X is capitalized). You should then be able to run graphical applications (gedit, firefox) from the command line. They will appear as windows on your desktop. (NOTE: Mac uses will have to wait a bit for X11 to start up.)

The Shell

Once you have established a connection, you should have a command prompt. You are now logged into a CAEDM machine, and your working directory should be your J drive, or homespace. All of the command line programs in CAEDM are available from this prompt.

A more detailed explanation of the shell can be found here.